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  • 22 Jan 2024 11:30 PM | Anonymous

    Sherwood Middle School is inviting all Sherwood families for upcoming Culture Night from 6-8 PM on February 9th, 2024 at Sherwood Middle School in Shrewsbury.

  • 8 Oct 2023 11:07 AM | Anonymous

    by Joel Popkin, Music Worcester

    Vijay Gupta is playing his last concert this year at Mechanics Hall, Nov 10th. Vijay is not only an astonishing violinist, a star in the Los Angeles Philharmonic and the outgoing artist-in-residence at Music Worcester, but a humanist who should serve as a model for all of us. In his visits here, he has organized music playing -- and performing -- at the Worcester County House of Corrections in addition to his work in the prison system in LA, as well as with the homeless. I've had the enormous pleasure of getting to know him personally, and he is simply a remarkable individual.

    Please see these links – , -- 

    It will also include extraordinary compositions by his wife Reena, dancing, an orchestra and chorus, and it looks incredible. Other concerts on the above link will also be inspiring. After nearly 30 years on the board of Music Worcester, I just retired this week, but I can't resist pushing for this exceptional concert.

    About Vijay Gupta

    Vijay Gupta is a violinist, speaker and citizen-artist dedicated to creating spaces of wholeness through music. Vijay’s work embodies his belief that the work of artists and citizens is one: to make a adhana – daily practice – of the world we envision. Hailed by The New Yorker as a “visionary violinist…one of the most radical thinkers in the unradical world of American classical music,” Vijay leads a protean career as a thought leader, performer, collaborator and communicator.

    Vijay is the founder and Artistic Director of Street Symphony, a community of musicians creating spaces of connection for people in reentry from homelessness, addiction and incarceration in Los Angeles. Vijay is also a cofounder of the Skid Row Arts Alliance, a consortium dedicated to creating art for – and with – the largest homeless community in America. For his work in “bringing beauty, respite, and purpose to those all too often ignored by society”, Vijay was the recipient of a 2018 MacArthur Fellowship. A riveting speaker, Vijay has shared his work with dozens of corporations, campuses, conferences and communities across America over the past 10 years, including The Richmond Forum, The Aspen Institute, Hallmark, Accenture, Mayo Clinic, US Psychiatric Congress, American Planning Association, and the League of American Orchestras, just to name a few. Vijay delivered the 33rd annual Nancy Hanks Lecture on Arts and Public Policy for Americans for the Arts and his 2010 TED Talk, “Music is Medicine, Music is Sanity”, has garnered millions of views. Vijay has performed as an international recitalist, soloist, chamber musician, and orchestral musician for over 20 years, playing his solo debut with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Zubin Mehta. Vijay was a member of the first violin section of the Los Angeles Philharmonic for 12 years, and has collaborated with the Kronos Quartet, the Philharmonia Orchestra of London, Yo-Yo Ma, and appears regularly with the Strings Festival in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. A dynamic recording artist, Vijay recently released Breathe, an album of the piano chamber music of Reena Esmail, under his own label. His solo violin album When the Violin, a solo violin album featuring the music of Esmail, J. S. Bach, and Esa-Pekka Salonen will be available on Bandcamp in June 2021. Vijay currently serves as the Senior Artistic and Programs Advisor for Young Musicians Foundation. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Marist College, and a Master’s in Music from the Yale School of Music. His principal teachers have included Ani Kavafian and Glenn Dicterow. Vijay plays a 2010 violin made by Los Angeles-based luthier Eric Benning, and can be found on Instagram @guptaviolin.

  • 23 Sep 2023 5:31 PM | Anonymous

    Aligarh Alumni Association Of New England Presents
    Please Join Us with Urdu Shayeri and Ghazal of International Poets

    November 11th, 2023 Saturday 6 PM  to 11 PM at Tahanto Regional High School 1001 Main Street Boylston MA

    Contact Dr. Sadia Chaghtai: (603)-828-3060

  • 23 Sep 2023 5:23 PM | Anonymous

    Sukoon - A must see for the fans of Poetry and Bollywood songs in one-of-a-kind show at Academy of Creative Arts, Burlington, MA 

    Tickets at Lokvani .com

  • 11 Sep 2023 3:44 PM | Anonymous

    Gurjar Navratri Dandiya Garba Ramzat With Geeta Rabari And Sunny Jadhav

    Sun, Oct 8 at 5:30 PM(EDT)
    RMHS - HAWKES FIELD HOUSE, 62 Oakland Rd, Reading, MA 01867

    Contact Ishani Shah 781-956-5955

  • 5 Sep 2023 8:04 PM | Anonymous

    Prabasi Durga Puja celebration is an integral part of the Bengali socio-cultural diaspora in Boston and New England. 

    MEGA HIT LIVE CONCERTS:   With a BLOCKBUSTER entertainment lineup on Fri Oct 20, Sat Oct 21 and Sun Oct 22, 2023  Get your  Membership which  includes FREE ADMISSION to Prabasi events

  • 21 Aug 2023 11:50 AM | Anonymous

    Classical Indian Music, White Room, Worcester, MA on September 3, 2023 Sunday 6-9 pm.Tickets $20

    Indranil Mallick on Tabla, Partha Bose on SItar.

    Presented by Barin Bando, Asish Bhattacharya and the White Room

  • 21 Aug 2023 11:41 AM | Anonymous

    Hindi Manch's "Begani Shaadi Mein." Comedy Play

    Keefe Tech Auditorium, Framingham, MA on Sept 9 & 10  Saturday & Sunday. For tickets Range from $80 to $20

    Get ready to attend a full Indian Bollywood style shaadi filled with with fragrant paan, relatives' gyan, mehendi on your palm, and full-tu dhoom-dhaam!

  • 14 Aug 2023 1:41 PM | Anonymous

    स्वतंत्रता दिवस

    नयनों में संजो कर एक सपना
    किया तन मन धन बलिदान,
    जुनून था इस धरती पे बनें
    भारत स्वतंत्र देश महान।

    वर्षों से गुलामी की बेड़ी में
    अपनी भारत माँ जकड़ी थीं ,
    दी लहू की आहुति वीरों  नें
    ऐसी ज्वालाएँ भड़की थीं

    कुर्बानीं उनकी रंग लाई
    शुभ आजादी की घड़ी आई ,
    जयघोष से गूँज उठा अंबर
    रोमॉच से ऑखें भर आईं

    संघर्ष था जारी बरसों से
    अबविजयने ली है अँगड़ाई,
    अंबर पे तिरंगा लहराया
    मन में खुशियों की बहार आई।

    अपनी धरती अपना ये गगन
    उन्मुक्त हो गया अपना चमन,
    हम प्रेम के बीज को बोएँगे
    महकेंगे घर महकेगी पवन।

    आओ हम उन वीरों के
    सपनों को अब साकार करें,
    उन्नत ललाट रहे भारत का
    दुनियाँ में सदा उपकार करें।

    हम ना भूलें उनकी निष्ठा
    गुणगान करें उनका जी भर,
    अब हम सब का दायित्व यही
    कर्तव्य निभाएँ हम डट कर।

    संदेश यही है जन जन को
    आग्रह है हर एक बच्चे से,
    राष्ट्र प्रेम के रंग से सदा
    रंगें अपना तन मन अच्छे से।

    इसके गौरव पे ना आँच आए
    डाले ना कोई भी बुरी नजर,
    अब बागडोर अपने हाथों
    रखवाली करेंगे  जीवन भर।

    आज देश स्वतंत्र हुए इतनी अवधि बीत गई है
    देश की प्रगति होती रही है , सुविधाएँ बढ़ गई हैं , विश्व में भारत का स्थान विशिष्ट होता जा रहा है
    कुछ ऊँच नीच चलती रहती है
    प्रभु से विनती है हमारी

    काश हमारी मातृभूमि से
    दु: का ,छल का पाप कटे,
    पुण्य का पनपे बीज यहाँ
    खुशहाली की फ़सल कटे।

    भारत माता की जय!
    वंदे मातरम !

    Independence Day

    By Asha Singh

    Our eyes longed for this dream,
    For which we sacrificed body, mind and wealth.
    For our yearning was to build on this earth
    A great independent India.

    Shackled in slavery for years,
    Our Mother India was mired.
    Our heroes sacrificed their blood,
    To ignite these flames.

    Their sacrifices bore fruit and
    Fortunately, the hour of freedom arrived.
    The sky resonated with the cheers,
    Emotions filled our eyes with tears.

    The struggle was ongoing for years
    Now Victory has taken over.
    The tricolor waves in the sky
    The mind is filled with happiness.

    Our land, our sky
    Our garden is now freed.
    Where we will sow the seeds of love,
    That will fill our home, our air with fragrance.

    Come let us make the dreams
    Of those heroes come true.
    May India’s head be held high,
    Always doing good in the world.

    Let us not forget their devotion,
    Let us praise them with all our heart.
    Now it is our responsibility,
    To do our duty unhesitatingly.

    This is the message to the people,
    This is the request of every child,
    Imbue your mind and body well,
    With the colors of patriotism.

    Its prestige should not be affected,
    Do not cast an evil eye.
    Now the reins are in your hands,
    To look after for the rest of your life.

    Since the time of the nation’s independence,
    So much time has passed.
    The nation’s progress continues, amenities have increased.
    India’s stature on the world’s stage is increasing.
    Yet as inequalities continue,
    This is our request of the Lord,

    If only from our Motherland,
    We can remove the sins of deceit and sorrow,
    That the seeds of virtue flourish here,
    And we can reap a harvest of happiness.

    Long live Mother India
    Vande Mataram
  • 31 Jul 2023 5:48 PM | Anonymous

    by Juhie Jain

    The field of genetics has experienced remarkable advancements with the emergence of gene editing and CRISPR technology, allowing scientists to manipulate and study DNA with unprecedented precision. While these techniques hold the potential to deepen our understanding of gene function and correct harmful mutations, their ethical use is crucial. This essay dives into the incredible ways gene editing technology touches our lives, bringing hope for better human biology and disease treatment, while also recognizing the crucial need for tight reins to safeguard against any misuse.

    CRISPR technology has revolutionized our understanding of human biology by enabling scientists to perform long-term studies on gene functionality. CRISPR is a revolutionary gene-editing tool that allows scientists to modify specific genes within an organism's DNA. It operates with the assistance of the Cas9 enzyme, which acts like a pair of molecular scissors, cutting the DNA at precise locations determined by the guiding RNA sequence, enabling targeted modifications to be made to the genetic code. Scientists highlight that this method allows for permanent alteration of cellular DNA, leading to deeper insights into gene functions and biological processes. The application of CRISPR with the Cas9 gene has been particularly significant, as it enables the analysis of protein functions within T lymphocytes, which was previously challenging. Furthermore, gene editing technology has accelerated the field of evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo) by allowing cross-species comparisons of gene functions. These breakthroughs show the potential of gene editing to advance our knowledge of human biology and disease mechanisms.

    CRISPR technology offers new possibilities in treating previously untreatable diseases by correcting harmful mutations. Rabaan et al. suggest that CRISPR/Cas9 can target and edit genetic mutations responsible for cancer development. By replacing damaged alleles with healthy ones, gene editing can potentially override harmful mutations that cause diseases like cancer. Moreover, genome engineering technologies, including gene editing, allow the correction of underlying mutations, thus revolutionizing gene therapy strategies. The capability to replace mutated genes represents a significant advancement in treating genetic disorders.

    Although gene editing holds great promise, its potential for misuse raises significant ethical concerns. Cases like Jiankui He's experiment in China, which made headlines and sparked global debates in the scientific community when he claimed to have conducted the world's first gene-edited babies using CRISPR technology in secret, demonstrate that strict regulations are necessary. Wang and Yang criticize He's actions as a gross violation of both Chinese regulations and the international science community's consensus. He conducted his experiments in secret, disregarding regulations and the potential risks involved. The use of gene editing to create genetically modified organisms or designer humans, as seen in He's case, lacks substantial benefits and poses serious ethical risks. CRISPR poses ethical risks due to its potential to alter the human germline, allowing heritable changes to be passed down to future generations, raising concerns about unintended consequences and unforeseen long-term effects. Additionally, the accessibility and affordability of CRISPR technology raises questions about the potential for misuse or unethical applications, such as designer babies and genetic discrimination. It highlights the need for stringent regulations to ensure responsible and ethical use of gene editing technology.

    Gene editing and CRISPR technology have the potential to transform human biology and revolutionize disease treatment. The precision of these techniques allows for a deeper understanding of gene functions and the correction of harmful mutations. However, the ethical implications of misuse, such as creating genetically modified organisms or designer babies, must be addressed. Collaboration between policymakers, scientists, and the public is essential to establish strict regulations to govern the responsible and ethical application of gene editing technology. By doing so, we can ensure that these powerful tools are used for the betterment of society, benefiting humanity without compromising ethical principles.

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