--submitted by Muthu Rajasekaran, ISW Parent
ISW Language school kids (see below) sang the National Anthem of India gracefully showing their respect, love and pride. Special thanks to Ruchi Chauhan for being the conductor and coordinating the practice sessions alongside with Ms. Shiamin Melville, which helped to them to sing comfortably in front of a big audience. After the national anthem kids stood in front of the players tunnel and gave high-five to WooSox players. Finally the kids enjoyed the game with some burgers and fries, and left with a good memory with their family and friends. Thanks again to all the parents for their time and effort supporting the Indian Heritage event. Below are the kids who performed the National Anthem of India and do check out their pictures in the link here.
Arna Majmudar
Anwitha Avinash
Arjun Sahasrabudhe
Ayaan Sahasrabudhe
Arya Sharma
Ishan Dixit
Jasmin Grover
Krishnav Karwa
Rishi Muthukumaran
Vedant Vyas