Sanskrit Free introductory family workshop. July 10 Sunday

We are offering another free introductory family workshop that will be held on July 10th, Sunday, 9.30 to 3.30 pm pm. (6.0 hours, with a Potluck lunch break)
Come and attend free workshop to get a flavor of the new Sanskrit program offered by ISW School in September 2022 in partnership with Samskritabharati USA based in Boston.
From a single center in California in 1995, Samskritabharati has grown to more than 40 centers, with 4 centers in Massachusetts.
And the emphasis with Samskritam class is to have the whole family to start learning, so adults and kids are welcome.
You need to be an ISW Member to register for the school sessions when they begin, but this family workshop is open to all Sanskrit enthusiasts. If there is a second child, the registration has to be repeated. There is no cost for attendees.
We will follow the Shrewsbury Public School protocols for covid safe in classroom learning.
Based on those interested in learning Sanskrit, we will be opening registration soon for fall 2022.
Future plans:
Open House will be held Sept 18, Sunday with classes starting on Sept 23, 2022, at 7-9 pm on Friday. This will coincide with the start of the other ISW language classes. Please note that the Sanskrit classes will have three semesters and not two semesters.
Tuition fees are $200 per family plus cost of books, for this pilot program. (All family members can join) for the academic year spanning nine months.
Please contact Ravi or Ruchi for more questions.
For more info, please send email to