Shrihan Nair 5th grade at Sherwood Middle school
I enjoyed my experience with 3D printing because it was a great opportunity to meet new friends, learn something new, and have fun! One of my favorite parts of the class was the ability to create anything, from a gift to a car. Some of the projects I made included an Enderman, a Birthday gift for my mom, a car, and a bolt. The people helping out were very kind and helpful. Dhruv and Rohan, wonderful student helpers from Saint John's High School, taught me what to do while the print was running and how to remove the print from the plate. Bala uncle was also very kind and answered all my questions, sharing tips and tricks about 3D printing. Ashish uncle taught me everything about 3D printing and introduced me to Tinkercad, where I could design my own prints, and Thingiverse, a website where you can find items made by others to print.
Tanvi Yarasani: , I heard about 3D printing before but never knew how they do it, it was a great experience learning, to do and get hands-on experience. I never knew how things are printed but learning how to create and print something was a great experience. I want to learn and looking forward for next year and to learn about laser cutting. I want to thank all the teachers who helped me to learn this. Tanvi Yarasani.
Aarna Chug, 6th grader from Sherwood Middle School, truly enjoyed 3D and Laser printing classes. This was the first experience for her and she is thrilled. It was amazing for her to draw art on the computer and in a few minutes, she could touch and feel the drawn object. This class has expanded her creativity and exposed her to the art of possibilities. Thank you.