If you are looking for help with your child's online homework or course work in any school grade, please fill out the info by September 15, 2020 at this link:(2nd Batch)
If you are a student in grade 9 to 12, who is interested in being a volunteer teacher, please fill out the info by September 15, 2020 at this link: (2nd Batch)
More details at https://iswonline.org/Language-School-Blog Any questions please send an email to tutoring@iswonline.org. Do sign up soon
Tutoring Team
Krishnaa, Mansi, Ruchi & Shiamin
508-353-4316 Shiamin
ISW Tutoring program Summary
ISW School launched a new online Students & Tutor match program to help parents with arranging one on one online tutoring for the kids with help from IYG. The topics can be Math, Physics, Science, English, Languages and Life skills like Time Management. The hours would be volunteer hours, based on student tutor availability. For the initial pilot program, it would be open to ISW members only and IYG members, so we can monitor this program for online safety.
1. Program will run from September to the end of June 2021, however commitment is expected from our volunteers until the end of January 2021, for now.
2. Student tutors will be in grade 9 or up
3. One on one tutoring was recommended since some kids would be hesitant to ask questions in a larger setting
4. One-hour training/orientation for safe online etiquette to be held for student tutors
5. Before classes start, an initial meeting to held possibly 4-way between (a) Parents of student and (b) student tutors and (c) assigned Student tutors (d) ISW school rep
6. Personal WebEx/Zoom to be set up by parents or student tutors, will not be set up by ISW.
7. Volunteer hours to be signed by IYG advisor: Shubh Agrawal
8. CORI check for student tutors between 14-18 years is a TBD.
9. Attendance spreadsheet on google doc to be set up and filled out by student tutors
10 Email exchanges between parents and tutors to be CC tutoring@iswonline.org to ensure online safety
First Batch fill out the info by August 31,2020
New ISW Tutoring program
ISW Cultural and Language School is launching a new online Students & Tutor match program to help IYG members get volunteer hours and help parents by providing one on one online tutoring for their kids with help from IYG members. Tutored topics will include Math, Science, English, History, School taught Foreign Languages, and Life skills like Time Management. Student tutors will get volunteer hour credit for sessions conducted, and sessions will be based on student-teacher availability. To monitor online safety, the initial pilot program will only be open to ISW members and IYG members.
For now we expect a commitment to the end of January , minimum one hour per week. There will be an initial online meeting for tutors, and a CORI check later. Sessions begin September 14, 2020.
f you are a student in grade 9 to 12, who is interested in being a volunteer teacher, please fill out the info by August 31, 2020 at this link: https://forms.gle/HiqFSP56KG14QiKG7
If you are looking for help with your online homework or course work in any school grade, please fill out the info by August 31, 2020 at this link:
Any questions please send an email to tutoring@iswonline.org
Tutoring Team
Mansi Gera -Student Volunteer Tutor Contact
Krishnaa Amin - Parent and Tutored student Contact
Shubh Agrawal
Shiamin Melville
Ruchi Chauhan