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  • 11 Apr 2022 4:03 PM | Anonymous


    लीशा गुप्ता 

    प्रकृति हर जगह 

    जहाँ भी तुम जाओ वहाँ वहाँ। 

    इधर-उधर इतने रंग 

    आगे बढ़ो  - पास आओ 

    देखो  कितने अच्छे लगते हैं एक संग। 

    एक दिन जब बारिश हो 

    फूल, पौधे भी खुश हों। 

    ऊपर देखो तो चमकते तारे 

    नीचे देखो तो हमारी धरती माता। 

    प्रकृति हर जगह 

    जहाँ भी तुम जाओ वहाँ वहाँ।


    Nature is everywhere

    wherever you go its always there

    colors everywhere you look

    move forward - come closer

    Look at how good they look together

    When it rains one day

    flowers and plants will burst with joy

    When you look up you see sparkling stars

    When you look down you see mother earth

    Nature is everywhere

    Wherever you go its always there

    Leisha Gupta is a freshman at Westborough High School. She graduated from ISW Cultural and Language School last year. She is currently volunteering as a student teacher and works with Hindi K2 students.

    (Photo credit: )

  • 25 Mar 2022 11:22 PM | Anonymous

    "पहेली की खोज"

    अद्रिका सिंह

    ध्यान दीजिए: 

    उलझे हुए शब्द के अक्षरों को इधर-उधर करके सही से दूसरे टेबल में एक-एक करके लिखिए। 

    जब आपने सारे उलझे हुए शब्द सही से लिख लिए, तो फिर आप उन्हीं शब्द के पहले अक्षर को छांटिए। पहेली के शब्द को जानने के लिए, हर शब्द के प्रथम अक्षर (और मात्रा*) को लिखिए। 

    कुछ अक्षरों के साथ आपको मात्रा को भी शामिल कर के पहेली को सुलझाना पड़ेगा। अगर यह परिस्थिति होगी, तो आपको * से सूचित किया जायेगा।





    उत्तर नीचे टेबल में लिखिए:






    उत्तर नीचे  टेबल में लिखिए: 



    उत्तर नीचे  टेबल में लिखिए:




    उत्तर नीचे  टेबल में लिखिए:








    उत्तर नीचे टेबल में लिखिए:






    उत्तर नीचे टेबल में लिखिए:



    वो क्या है जो फूल है और एक फल भी, दिखने में काफी छोटा,

    लेकिन,जो जीभ को खूब भाता,

    और आखिर में, मुंह के अंदर पहुंच जाता।


    १. गुब्बारा




    २. लापरवाही




    ३. बचपन 

    ४. जानवर


    ५. मुस्कुराना






    ६. नवरात्रि



  • 13 Mar 2022 2:27 PM | Anonymous

  • 28 Feb 2022 2:47 PM | Anonymous

    अनमोल उपहार 

     अद्रिका सिंह

    Adrika Singh, Grade 8 Shrewsbury & ISW Hindi 4 student


              अजय आठवीं कक्षा का विद्यार्थी था और बहुत मेहनती लड़का था। वह अपने जन्मदिन को लेकर बहुत उत्साहित रहता था और उसका अधीरता से प्रतीक्षा करता था क्योंकि हर बच्चे की तरह यह उसके लिए एक विशेष दिन होता था। 

    कल अजय का जन्मदिन था। वह प्रसन्नता से खिल रहा था। उसने अपने सभी दोस्तों, सहपाठियों, और रिश्तेदारों को आमंत्रित किया था। अजय के जन्मदिन पर उसके चाचा और चाची उसके घर उपहार ले कर आए और साथ ही साथ उसे आशीर्वाद भी दिए। शाम से ही अतिथियों का आना-जाना लगा हुआ था। भोजन, मधुर संगीत, और खेलों का बहुत अच्छा प्रबंध हुआ था और सब इनका आनंद ले रहे थे। अजय के साथ सब ने उसका जन्मदिन बहुत धूमधाम के साथ मनाया। फिर सब अतिथियों ने अजय और उसके परिवार से विदा ली और वे अपने घर को चले गए। 

      मेहमानों के जाने के बाद अजय बड़े उत्साह के साथ अपने उपहार खोलने लगा। उसे नए कपड़े, खिलौने और चमचमाती घड़ी जैसी चीज़े मिली। एक-एक करके उसने अपने सारे उपहार खोले और उसी के बीच उसने देखा कि एक साधारण पैकिंग में लिपटा हुआ छोटा सा उपहार था। उसे देखकर अजय को  लगा कि यह कोई सस्ता उपहार है। उसने अपनी  माँ से कहा, "मम्मी, आपको यह उपहार खोलने की ज़रूरत नहीं है, इसमें कोई मामूली सी वस्तु होगी, इसे छोड़ दो।"  माँ ने उसे समझाया कि उपहार देने वाले की आपके प्रति भावनाओं को व्यक्त करने का यह एक तरीका है और हमें इसकी कीमत नहीं देखनी चाहिए, अपितु  इसके महत्व को समझना चाहिए। इतना कहकर अजय की माँ ने उपहार खोला। उपहार में एक अद्भुत किताब के साथ में हस्तनिर्मित जन्मदिन कार्ड और छोटा पत्र भी था। पत्र में लिखा था:

    " प्रिय अजय, 

       इस किताब में अपनी ताकतों और कमजोरियों को समझकर अपने लक्ष्यों को

       लिखना। कड़ी मेहनत और लगन से तुम वह सब प्राप्त कर लोगे, ऐसा मेरा विश्वास है। 

       तुम्हारा प्यारा दोस्त, 


    यह उपहार देखकर माँ  बहुत खुश हुई। उन्होंने अजय से सक्षम के बारे में पूछा तो उसने बताया," सक्षम मेरी कक्षा का होशियार और समझदार लड़का है। मैं पहले उसका दोस्त था, लेकिन मैं अब उस से बात नहीं करता क्योंकि मैंने उस से दोस्ती तोड़ ली जब मुझे पता चला कि वह गरीब है।" इतना बोलकर अजय चुप हो गया परन्तु माँ उसकी बात सुनकर दुखी हुई। फिर माँ ने उसे प्यार से समझाया, "देखो बेटा, रोहन- जिसे तुम अपना सबसे अच्छा दोस्त मानते हो, उसने तो न्यौता देने के बाद भी तुम्हारी पार्टी में आने का नहीं सोचा। उस ने केवल नौकर के हाथों एक महँगा सा उपहार भिजवा दिया। दूसरी ओर, सक्षम ने तुम्हारा जन्मदिन याद रखा। यद्यपि तुम ने उस से दोस्ती तोड़ दी, फिर भी तुम्हें जन्मदिन की बधाई और एक खास उपहार देने के लिए वह स्वयं आया। वह चाहता तो पार्टी में आनंद लेने के लिए रुक सकता था परन्तु उस ने ऐसा नहीं किया। शालीनता से यह उपहार देकर वह चला गया क्योंकि वह तुम्हें सच्चे मन से अपना दोस्त मानता है।  बेटा, ऐसे मित्र बहुत विशेष होते हैं और हमें उनका बहुत ध्यान रखना चाहिए और उन से हमेशा मित्रता निभानी चाहिए।” 

     माँ की बात सुन कर अजय समझ गया कि मित्रता किसी की आर्थिक दशा को देखकर नहीं अपितु उसके चरित्र को देख कर करनी चाहिए और किसी उपहार या भाव से देखना चाहिए। अगले दिन वह सक्षम से कक्षा में मिला और उसे गले लगा कर अनमोल उपहार देने के लिए धन्यवाद दिया। वह खुश था कि इस जन्मदिन उसे उपहारों के साथ एक अनोखा और सच्चा  मित्र भी मिला।

    A studious boy in 8th grade named Ajay, was excitedly waiting for his birthday that was coming around the corner. In the evening of his birthday, all the invited guests along with his friends and relatives came to celebrate Ajay's birthday. After the guests wished Ajay goodbye, Ajay's eagerness tempted him to open up the heap of gifts piled up in which he found a small, delicately wrapped package. As Ajay's mom reached out to open the beautiful package, Ajay told his mom to leave it because it seemed to be looking very cheap. However, realizing why Ajay might have thought that, Ajay's mom explained the true importance and meaning of gifts which lies in the heartwarming emotion the giver presents to the person he is giving the gift. After saying that, Ajay's mom found a gorgeous notebook journal and a decorative handwritten birthday in which Saksham wrote how Ajay can write his strengths and weaknesses so he can focus on his goals for a brighter future. Ajay's mom was heartfelt by the lovely message Saksham had written and delivered at their doorstep which she compared to Rohan who did not consider the invitation and just sent a gift box through his maid. Ajay's mom urges Ajay to appreciate his friendship and stay with it.

  • 17 Jan 2022 4:21 PM | Anonymous

    by  Ayan Mishra, Grade 6

    Hello everybody. Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year!!

    My name is Ayan Mishra, and today I am going to talk about a topic near and dear to our hearts, Christmas.

    1. What is Christmas and why is it celebrated?
    2. Who was Santa Claus?
    3. My favorite part of Christmas :-) 

    Before I go on to my first point, I have a question for you. What do elves learn at school? The elf-abet

    Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus Christ. Christians all around the world celebrate Christmas in different ways. For example, in Sweden people have a huge parade following someone with a crown of candles. They wear long white robes and sing hymns from their Bible. In America, people put up their Christmas trees after Thanksgiving, and decorate their houses with lights in their front yard. The shops, malls, restaurants, etc. all are decorated and you can feel the holiday cheer everywhere. On Christmas Eve, Christians go to church late at night to pray and sing carols. On Christmas day, they invite family and friends for a lavish feast and enjoy the holiday.

    Moving on to the next point, Santa Claus was a real person, Saint Nicholas. He wasn’t what we think of him today. He did not wear a red suit and live in the North Pole. Saint Nicholas was a bishop who discovered the joy of giving. At night he went to houses and gave gifts to people. Saint Nick wasn’t just fun and games, he only gave good kids gifts and he gave bad kids a lump of coal, sticks or stones. That’s how the legend of Santa Claus started and even lives today. Kids keep cookies, milk and a carrot for Santa Claus and his reindeer, believing he would eat them and leave presents.

    Coming to my last point now, my favorite part of Christmas is, waking up in the morning and running to see the presents under the Christmas tree and in my stockings on the fireplace. The best moment is when I get to unwrap my presents and find some surprises as well. This year, when I came down the stairs, I saw a lot of gifts by our Christmas tree and the stockings. I hope you all got lots of presents too. To my surprise, I got an iPad as a Christmas present from my parents and quite a few other things like Legos, puzzles etc. from my cousins. I enjoyed un-wrapping them with my cousins over a Zoom call.  I have also celebrated two Christmas mornings in India as well with my grandparents, where my gifts doubled in number! Let’s not forget, some other kids are not as fortunate as me, and do not receive gifts on Christmas. Being a part of Indian Society of Worcester and volunteering with them, I love what they do for these kids. Volunteers donate presents to be put under a Giving Tree which is put in the community center. ISW also celebrates Christmas where anyone can come and get a present. I LOVE being a part of this wonderful community!

    What did we learn about today? Today, you read about; What is Christmas and why is it celebrated, who was Santa Claus and my favorite part of Christmas.

    Hope you had a Merry Christmas and received many gifts! Thank you for reading!

  • 20 Dec 2021 7:39 PM | Anonymous

    ISW Professional and Entrepreneurial Network (PEN) held one of its most popular events on Saturday, December 18th. The topic was Launching your own small business – Journey from basement to market” moderated by Kelly Mittal, co-chair of the ISW PEN initiative. The room had a very participative and captive audience as Margie introduced EforAll - a non-profit organization that enables underrepresented individuals successfully start their own businesses - as exemplified by two graduates of the program on the panel, Charles Luster founder of 2GetherWeEat and Pooja and Vishal Suchde, founders of Namaste Woo at the Worcester Public Market and Urban Spice World.  

    Their journeys were very inspiring and quite revealing of the commitments that one must make in order to start and get a business off the ground in this competitive market. Check out the live video streamed on our FB site here.

  • 20 Dec 2021 7:22 PM | Anonymous

    Volunteers came, volunteers saw, volunteers conquered

    A big shout out to all the volunteers to showed up for the Community Service Day at India Center on Sat Sunday Dec 12.

    The new storage room, outdoor pod, kitchen pantry and other areas have been completely reorganized. Cabinets and drawers in the newer Community Hall have dedicated for specific activities. Traffic controls like rubberized speed bumps and chain barriers have been added in the parking lot for security. Items stored in the pod have been relocated to where they should be. 

    Due to the dedicated efforts of the hard-working volunteers, India Center is now ready for many more activities to come. 

    A place for everything and everything in its place. Mission accomplished!

  • 20 Dec 2021 11:52 AM | Anonymous

    By: Arush Jagan 

    Hi, my name is Arush Jagan and I have been playing the tabla for about 4 years.  First let’s start with the basics. The tabla which is also known as the “indian drums” is a North Indian instrument. One day when I was just 7 years old, I overheard my mom talking about something related to enrolling me into a class. I went to my mom’s room and heard the word tabla.

    In the middle of her call, she asked me, “Arush, do you want to be in a tabla class?” I said yes and she said, “The teacher is strict, are you sure?” I still said yes but she said that the more strict teachers you have, the better you learn something. When my mom enrolled me, I thought the teacher would not be that strict.

    The next Wednesday, I woke up and saw a large red bag with black outlines in my room. I jumped out of bed and opened the bag and saw 2 big things. The first thing I noticed about the drums is that the bigger drum was lighter than the smaller drum which was very strange. A few seconds later, I heard my mom say, “Arush, come outside.” So I closed the bag and rushed out as if someone was chasing me. My mom said, “You have your first tabla class today, don’t miss it!” As the day went on, my mom said it was time to go. I sat in the car with the bag and went to the place where my class would be hosted. 

    After going there, I learned about this instrument and learned all the hand positions of the tabla. I learned that the bigger but lighter one is called the dagga and the smaller but heavier one is called the tabla. I realized that only the smaller but heavier is called the tabla but the entire thing of called the tabla.

    Coming back home, I was thinking if I could be the world's first tabla player who had ever been starting to play at such a young age. A few years later, I became a master at it. I practiced and whenever I played smoothly and nicely, I felt in my heart that someday, I would be a teacher who would teach students properly and would courage people who are not passionate about this instrument.

    At my very first tabla recital, my teacher told me what to play. When I went on the stage, I was imagining how I would play to make my teacher proud. When I was done, my teacher said that was the best performance he had ever seen from a 7-year-old. Ever since then, I would be thinking of having a career of music and being the most popular tabla player to ever exist.

    I was really starting to think that my parents wanted me to have a singing career as well. At approximately 5:30 pm on a Thursday evening, I told my parents what I learned in my first ever singing class. Today, the Indian instrument tabla is fun to play once you get into the mood of playing it. From the day I got my very first kaida to play, I was confident that I would be the most popular tabla player to ever exist on this planet. My mom says I always have a fantastic imagination. 

    Also, there are many ways of proving that your skills in music like the tabla can be used to develop your math skills. One way I can prove that music skills can apply to math skills is that if you are in the mood of playing the tabla, you have the confidence to persevere and do incredibly difficult math problems.


    Dear ISW parents and kids,

    In this article, I wrote about my feelings when I play the tabla very well. If you are an Indian American who plays drums well, I would highly suggest the tabla to play when you are in a good mood, ,because it relaxes you. If you are a beginner tabla player but wanting to play like a master, Choose Amit Kavthekar as your tabla teacher. And again, I feel relaxed, happy, and grateful for the tabla to exist and it to be played when in a good mood. 


    Arush Jagan
  • 6 Dec 2021 11:52 PM | Anonymous

    by Asha Singh, ISW Cultural and Language School Teacher

    मोहक पतझड़

    हे प्रकृति ! मैं तुझ पे बलिहारी

    क्या ख़ूब चलाई पिचकारी ,

    चित्रकार नहीं कोई तुझ जैसा

    जो दृश्य दिखाये   मनोंहारी

    प्रभु नें रहमत बरसाई   है

    रंगों से करी है कारीगरी ,

    फूलों  के दर्प को चूर  किया

    पत्तों की बनाई फुलवारी 

    राहों के किनारे पेड़ों की

    मोहक ये छटा  प्यारी -प्यारी ,

    ऑखों से गुज़रते दृश्य लगें

    ज्यों दुल्हन की चुनरी न्यारी

    प्रभु तेरी लीला अजब - गजब

    अद्भुत लागे ये छवि सारी  ,

    कहनें को मौसम पतझड़ का

    पर ऋतु की महिमा है  भारी 

    मन मोहित है , आनंदित है

    एक अमिट छाप मन पे न्यारी ,

    कुछ दिन में समय फिर बदलेगा

    बिछुड़ेंगे सभी बारी बारी 

    है धन्य रचयिता हम सब का

    अनुपम श्रृँगार पे मैं  वारी ,

    मन ! मंत्र -मुग्ध हो  जाता है

    कर जाता ऐसी जादूगरी 

    फिर नई कोपलें आयेंगी

    होगी   हरियाली सुखकारी

    परिवर्तित करके रंग -रूप

    यूँ ही चलती है सृष्टी सारी 


    O Amazing Nature!

    I am indebted to you for this colorful spray.

    There is no painter like you,

    Who can show such pleasing scenes.

    God has showered his blessings,

    Using colors as his medium.

    Selecting the best of the flowers,

    To make leaves into a beautiful garden.

    The beguiling trees by the roadsides,

    Look so beautiful.

    The colorful scenes look like

    Robes of Indian brides.

    O God! thanks for your wonderful creation.

    It is an amazing scene

    It is called Fall Season BUT,

    The season’s glory is overwhelming.

    We get filled with lots of joy,

    And the effect is unforgettable.

    Soon the seasons will change,

    And the leaves will drop one by one.

    We are thankful to the great Creator,

    For this Incomparable appearance.

    One feels hypnotized

    With such a magical experience.

    Later new buds and pleasing greenery will sprout.

    This is how Nature continues

    With changing shapes and colors.

    This is LIFE.


  • 6 Dec 2021 11:50 PM | Anonymous

    By Ruchi Chauhan

    Several ISW members attended the recent Consular Facilitation Camp organized by the Medford Shivalaya Temple that helped provide onsite services like passport renewals, OCI applications, and emergency visas. It was very well organized and kudos to all the volunteers who worked really hard to help the people with free printing/scanning and notary services.  Most of the appointments ran on time, even though it was a little chaotic.  Thanks to efforts like these, it saves New Englanders a trip to New York or from mailing important documents to the Indian Consulate.  Another ISW member remarked that despite everything the volunteers were extremely courteous, and crowd control was amazing! Kudos to the organizers.

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