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  • 3 Jul 2023 7:52 PM | Anonymous

    A Life That Cannot Be Lived
    By Shreya Nippani, June 2, 2023

    It fills me with great sorrow, to see others in strife
    But in the end, it’s all a part of life
    Look to everyone, care for everyone
    Until I’m done
    Curse my naivety, as it is not only known to me, but by all the world
    My nature has me blindsighted, inevitably blurred
    In return for aiding, I get backstabbing
    In return for kind consent, I receive abandonment
    To help is to hurt, and to care for is to curse
    Friends are to enemies, as life is to death
    On the contrary, what if this situation has arisen due to me?
    Have I deceived myself and shown nothing but covert glee?
    The mirror lies in front of me, but alas, I cannot see
    As sight is to blind, but truly there isn’t a soul behind
    The world is cruel, so people say; thou shall challenge me to a duel
    Back and forth, our swords will sway, each time I lose a day
    The soul may be eternal, but whereas that is a lie, for harming and hurting will surely make it die
    A raven perched upon my opponent and to their dismay, down to Plutonian they withered away
    It leaves me with questions, does good always triumph over evil?
    Considering I’m still standing, is that even legal?
    For a wretched person like me shall never be victorious, or so I think
    My insecurities stand between me and my destiny in just a blink
    They showed me my worth, they stood right before
    And little did I know, there was something more
    I am what I truly want to be
    No one can define me or try me
    Like a soaring bird, I’ll raise my wings
    Before my eyes, my true song sings
    “Let go of the branch” says a voice inside
    “For if you let go you will find”
    “A place that has your true destiny”
    And that my friends is me.

  • 3 Jul 2023 7:37 PM | Anonymous

    Perfectly Imperfect
    By Shreya Nippani, Grade 7 (May 31, 2023)

    One can be proficient in many things. A teacher who instructs, a pianist who plays. An artist that paints, a celebrity that sings. A leader who leads, and a dancer who performs. All I do is mourn. I am nothing but a rusted old pearl that needs shining.

    Just perfectly imperfect, all I need is trying

    Ode to joy is a mantra of life, or so they say. Elixir is a necessity to get through my day. The waves rent and crash and soar at my bidding. Unless I try my hope is dwindling. Days turn to months, months into years. Try to avoid it but the pain sears.

    Just my perfectly imperfect life, I try to say goodbye

    But alas, throughout my struggle and strife, I sought a tunnel out of the night. Hope is like the torch towards love. A symbolic countenance in the shape of a dove. “Your triumph will not last” says the ominous betrayal voice inside. “For courage and hope inside are all a lie”. Feeling weakened and unable to persevere on, the last of my hope withers away into the abyss, all gone.

    Perfectly imperfect, now reality has seeped through

    “Halt, stop, pause” echoed yet again. “You are capable of more than you can”. Flustered and confused, I had the courage to carry on. All that was lost is now not gone. Tranquility, peace surrounds me, and the weight of pressure alleviates me. Exhilarated and joyful the world truly is, how could I be so foolish to let it miss.

    Perfectly imperfect, now I see, my life truly is free

  • 3 Jul 2023 7:27 PM | Anonymous

    By Kirti Nagpal

    I would like to thank all my Humrahee friends who attended the program on June 24th. We won’t be able to do any of these events without your involvement and participation.

    Humrahee program started with a calming peaceful meditative Reiki session lead by Priyanka and Parag Morre. The couple is actively trying to promote a healthier life style by bringing our attention to body, mind and soul .Parag is an entrepreneur who has embarked on a journey of bringing Satvik and healthier dairy products to the community worldwide . His A2 certified products have higher nutrition and are replete with probiotics which are essential for our body. Learned Ayurvedic Practitioner Dr Sanduja joined in live through Zoom and shared some insight into Satvik foods and how A2 ghee helps nourish the body. He was also kind enough to answer our questions and queries related to the Ghee intake as it is mainly a saturated fat.

    This was followed by an enthralling and mesmerizing dance performance by Ms Pooja Tiwari who is a trained Kathak Dancer. She is a science teacher by profession and teaches biology and physics to high School kids. After her dance performances she gave us a quick tutorial and danced with us on some peppy Bollywood songs.

    The whole dance session gave us a good workout. 

    We then got to the most awaited part of our program, the Karaoke session. We all enjoy our Humrahi friends getting up there and singing with so much passion and energy. Thanks to everyone who participated. We are all very grateful to be in company of such lively and delightful members of our community. ❤️❤️  

  • 3 Jul 2023 7:20 PM | Anonymous

    By Usha Yadav

    Pictures link

    On June 21st ISW celebrated 10th International Yoga Day workshop. This day also coincides with summer solstice -the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Community members came together at the ISW center to enjoy yoga outdoors on a perfect Thursday evening.

    The workshop began with a series of yoga poses, sun salutation and an introduction to varieties of breathing techniques. Narendra ji our yoga instructor demonstrated and explained about the Jal-Nethi technique. He explained how practicing jal-nethi helps people with allergies as these techniques help cleanse the nostrils and daily practice helps prevent colds/allergies in kids and adults. He ended the session with teaching some meditation techniques and ‘Om’ chanting.

    This yoga workshop was run by our amazing volunteer Yoga instructor Narendra Karapurkar and the event was coordinated by Usha Yadav. More than 50 people participated in this event and practiced yoga, pranayama and learned about Jal-Nethi techniques.

    Thanks to all the adults and kids, who participated in this workshop.

  • 19 Jun 2023 6:06 PM | Anonymous

    By Ragoo Raghunathan

    You may call this the best/most attended event of our ISW-PEN initiative since we started with over 180 registrants and 150+ attendees at the event that was organized and co-hosted by the ISW PEN and ISW-University initiatives on June 10th at the India Center in Shrewsbury. 

    The panel consisted of Jillian Greenspan (School Counselor at WHS), Jennifer Cluett (Dean of Admissions at WPI), Divya Raghunathan (College Junior, UMass), Raj Kasbekar (Parent of college Freshman) and moderated by Ashish Cowlagi (Ex-President, ISW and parent of college Freshman). 

    It started off with introductions of each speaker followed by very well crafted questions by the moderator around several topics including When to start the process, How to start the process, How to find a college that fits, and How to get in with discussions around Academics, Extracurriculars and College Essays.

    The panelists shared their experiences and opinions about the entire process and several questions from the audience led to further discussions. The session ended at 1.30pm but the audience continued the conversations with the panelists well after the main discussion. 

    Overall, the event was very successful and there have been requests to hold another session in a few months for people who couldn't make it or get some additional questions answered this time around. To compile any unanswered questions, a survey was sent after the event. Click here if you attended and would like to add your input.

    You can watch the recorded version of the live event here

    Please feel free to join the ISW PEN  WhatsApp group for future notifications and to help plan such events in the future at:

  • 11 Jun 2023 8:39 AM | Anonymous

    On the 10th of June 2023, on the stage of Northborough Town Center, ISW Symphony performed a mesmerizing performance amid rain and shine.   

    Music has no boundaries, no language barrier. Music is also a bridge between cultural heritages and different backgrounds. It was evident when Symphony Group began playing Indian folk music with Dhol, Tasha, and Jhanz.  It brought the whole audience group on their feet dancing to the tunes. The highlight of the performance was the Greek dancers performing spontaneously on Dhola & Tasha beats in Greek fashion and then slowly transitioning into Indian folk dance steps in Greek uniform.   

    Northborough Cultural Council did a great job organizing this event and the team worked extremely hard to keep the stage dry and also set up gazebo when rain obstructed the performances. Symphony DTL team added a couple of new players into Dhol and Tasha including one toddler. Music goes into our heart and soul and instantly fuels life in us. No wonder why everyone in the audience started to make moves on the music with added energy.    

    Dhol-Tasha, a combination of percussion instruments, has been integral part of Maharashtra State. But, now spreading it globally to entertain worldwide and bringing different cultures together to spread the joy.

    article by Ashok Kale

  • 5 Jun 2023 9:48 PM | Anonymous

    by Trishna Nikte

    Trishna Nikte is a rising senior and a captain of the SHS Speech team. Her delivery of this Original Oratory piece won her a  Octafinalist position at the NCFL National Finals amongst thousands of students across the country.  - Ed. 

    Ok, be honest. What do you guys think of the suit?? I wasn’t really sure about it at first, but my mom liked it; and as I’m sure many of us know, moms can never be wrong.

    Now imagine if I walked into this room today in a sari, a piece of traditional Indian clothing. I’d borrow one from my mom, one of her nicest ones, the kind she’d wear to work when she lived in India. Would I be singled out as “that weird girl who wore a sari to a speech tournament”? Would I be taken as seriously? Would I still fit in? Or I actually don’t know how that would go, but honestly, I’m afraid to try. As much as I would love to display a piece of my culture in front of all of you and be unique, I’m afraid of feeling different from everyone else.

    Most children in this country, regardless of their background, have felt the need to hide some piece of their identity at some point in their schooling career. This need can plague adolescent minds, especially those of children who don’t fit into the mold of a typical straight, white, cisgender child. Today, let’s try to understand why it's so easy for children with all different backgrounds to forgo pieces of their identities in school. Next, let’s look into the negative effects this can have, and finally, we’ll try to understand some ways we can narrow down the reach of this pressing issue.

    Now I’ve learned from a very young age that it’s better to conform to the culture I see around me, than try to be different. In first grade, on picture day, I wore my prettiest Indian outfit to school. It was a bejeweled black blouse with a gorgeous red skirt under. I walked into school feeling so confident that day, like I’d never looked any better. But the second I walked into class, the stares I got, the whispers I heard behind my back, they told me I didn’t belong. I spent the whole day disappointed. I was only in first grade, how was I to know that my “exotic” culture was probably best appreciated only at home? Ever since that day in first grade, I’ve been afraid to try again. I wake up every day, put on my yoga pants and my hoodie, and I sit through my classes, trying to blend in as best I can.

    As a society, we teach our kids to conform, instead of embracing their differences. This causes children to start drifting away from parts of their identity, especially at school, to feel more like they belong. Researcher Justin Saldana focused a lot of his time on conformity in schools, and how schools are where children are taught to transmit culture. But one of his biggest questions is “Whose culture is being transmitted?” More often than not, the culture students are taught to follow in schools is hyperfocused on straight, white, cisgender students, and doesn’t leave much room for anyone who doesn’t fall into this niche. Children who lack these commonalities then start distancing themselves from parts of their own identity, just to chase a sense of belonging. Saldana says that if “schools have a certain set of beliefs regarding how students should look, think and behave, then students will be stifled in their opportunities to discover, share, and take pride in who they are.”

    Many children of color in schools battle with this issue every day. How can we go to school and leave half of our identity at home? In an article from Beachwood High School in Ohio, written by Hiba Ali, students were asked about their thoughts on assimilating cultures, and how they felt their home cultures and their school culture came together. Ali wrote that “students feel pressure to hide certain parts of their cultural identity to be more like the people around them”. Student responses aligned with this, as many of them talked about how trying to assimilate caused them to give up parts of their own identities, and instead try to be like the rest. Sophomore Amelie Cotta had said that the culture in their school was white, privileged, and much like High School Musical. Senior Prerna Mukherjee had said that “People don’t always feel like they can be themselves,” and that there was a constant pressure to change. As Ali writes, this pressure is created by the fact that society brings forth “a sense of shame regarding differences, causing minorities to feel a need to hide them.” And trying to fit in has its own repercussions as well. In the school space, the slang term “white washed” is often used to describe peers who act more like their white peers versus how they would act within their own culture. Students use this term to tease others who may be hiding their ethnic identities behind American culture. Pejorative terms like ‘coconut’ (brown on the outside and white on the inside), and ‘banana’ (yellow on the outside and white on the inside), are thrown around to imply that someone is betraying their race. But coming from a cultural background myself, I know how hard it is to amalgamate cultures and create one single identity.

    This problem is only further exacerbated by the school system itself. Let’s look at my school district. Across nearly 6,000 students in our district, 33.6% of the body is Asian. 9.5% is Hispanic, and 3.4% is African American. Of our 450 teachers, I know of two Asian teachers, one Hispanic teacher, and just one African American teacher, none of whom I’ve studied under. I’ve never had a teacher who looks like me, celebrates the same festivals as me, or speaks the same language as me. Consciously or subconsciously, our school systems continue perpetrating exclusive cultures that don’t reflect the students or their backgrounds. The majority white staff teaches white values, making students feel that there is only one specific school culture that they must conform to.

    But there are many important steps that we can take as schools and individuals to help students in school realize that they do belong in their classrooms. Michael Petrilli of Education Next establishes several steps that schools can take to try to eliminate the restricting cultures that have emerged over the course of many years. One of the solutions he mentions is to adopt culturally affirming instructional materials. In simple terms, this means to teach students about the diversity in America, and show them how to celebrate our differences. Another way to tackle the problem right at its root would be simply to hire more teachers with diverse backgrounds, making it known to students that they can be themselves.

    On an individual level, it’s important to immerse ourselves in environments where we can thrive and flourish, and continue to support the people around us. Earlier this year at my school, student council decided to hold Culture Day as part of spirit week, where students could come to school dressed in their cultural clothing and celebrate their differences. When I first heard the idea, I was genuinely excited to share the Indian culture that I am so very proud of. But the more thought I gave it, the more scared I became. What if people thought I was weird, or treated me differently? After much deliberation, I decided that I wouldn’t dress up. That was until I talked to some of my friends, and realized that I wasn’t alone in my reservations. We were all afraid to be different. And so, we decided to be different together! Around 50 of us, out of 2000 students, decided we would all come to school in our ethnic clothes, and celebrate with each other. I’ll admit, 50 out of 2000 isn’t a big number, but that’s all it took. We all walked into school feeling so confident, just like I had in the first grade. And I didn’t feel left out for even a second. I felt so proud to display my exotic culture once again. Bringing my Indian culture into my school has helped me realize that I don’t have to hide who I truly am. I’m lucky to say that I am so proud of my culture and traditions. I am lucky to say that I love the clothes we wear and the food we eat. And I’m done hiding all of that behind my westernized behavior. My cultural identity is my strength. Not my weakness. And I’m done holding myself back. Writing this speech hasn’t magically expelled all my fears from my life, but it does mean that I’m going to start tackling my fears, one by one. I hope that one day I feel brave enough to wear a sari to a speech tournament. But until then, I hope to continue creating an environment in which no first grader is afraid to wear their hijab, or their kimono, or even, their sari.






  • 5 Jun 2023 12:21 PM | Anonymous

    WEW & IYG: Next generation speaks, life beyond academics;

    --A parent’s perspective of the event

    The event started with the panelists and participants introducing themselves and their favorite ice cream. I must say that ‘Cookies and cream’ seemed to be a universally enjoyed flavor. Thepanelists included students who were seniors and on their way to college (Karisma and Kiara), with some juniors (Ninad, Trishna) and rising juniors (Aashi, Dhruv). The event was moderated by a fellow next-gen Trishna Nikte. She enquired about the daily life of a high schooler, and everyone chimed in on their schedule. It was very gratifying to hear how all kids had a good mix of academics and extra-curricular activities. Based on their responses, the panelists then delved into how they manage their routines. As a parent listening to these students speak, instilled a sense of confidence as to how mature the next-gen students are. They shared their successes and trepidations about academic life and beyond. The mantra across the panel was similar, find your own path of success. The discussion got more interesting when the panel interacted with the audience. Questions ranged from how to manage time as a teen, college applications and most importantly how to manage parents! One of the big points of conversation was whether  parents are overbearing and intrusive in the teenager’s lives. The panel also reiterated that spending time with family was a great stress buster. The panel also highlighted that through open lines of communication, they were able to reduce the worries of the parents. To diversify the parent-teen conversation, the audience included some middle schoolers, and they brought out their thoughts and ideas on how they would approach high school. The discussion ended with a dance performance from the Darshana Jani group and well-deserved ice cream!

    So, if you ask me what I learnt, I will say “Trust, Patience and Belief in your teenager is the path of healthy aging!”

  • 31 May 2023 9:46 PM | Anonymous

    by Kirti  Nagpal

    The Humrahee program on May 27th was attended by a record number of members from our community . We learnt in detail about the five wishes and Health proxy from highly revered Mr. Girish Mehta, founder and executive director of Indian Circle of Caring. We were able to talk about a grim topic with objectivity and get insight and answers to all the queries about Living Will and Health Proxy. The workshop was preceded by an energetic dance session involving some twist and gyration moves with Ekta Jain from Ekta Dance Academy. The event included a very lively karaoke session with people coming on stage and singing popular songs from the 70’s and 80’s . The audience sang along and enjoyed it equally with the singers!!!

    Thanks to Sharat ji and Narayan ji for all their efforts. Would also like to give special and heartfelt thanks to Mr. Girish Mehta. Hope to see you all at the next Humrahee program in June.


  • 20 May 2023 7:45 PM | Anonymous

    by Neha Kaushal

    “Let’s Celebrate HER”, a one of a kind event, hosted for the first time at India Center by the Women Empowering Women and Symphony team, on May 12th, 2023 to celebrate Mother’s Day! An evening where we saw 150+ ladies dazzling in their sarees, in Yash Raj theme, ready to celebrate themselves with their support groups, circle of friends, mothers, mother in-laws, daughters, and much more!! India Center was buzzing with laughter, fun, songs, dance, glamor, and glitter!! All the beautiful ladies were extremely happy and delighted when they were welcomed with return favors right when they walked in!

    The event was kicked off by WEW chair Prof. Snehalata Kadam, talking about the mission and vision of the platform, where she was heard saying ‘the mission of this platform is to support, motivate, and most importantly empower each other’. Mrs. Sarita Deshpande, ISW Symphony Chair, was then called upon to give an overview of the initiative, ISW's new hub and platform of many popular performing art forms - such as music, dance, theater and visual arts like drawing, painting, sculpture, photography and films and stand-alone art form such as literature. We also had ISW’s Vice President, Prof. Jagan Srinivasan address the audience, giving them an overall update on the new India Center and array of events ISW has been conducting.

    Mrs. Neha Kaushal, WEW team member then introduced two very strong community leaders, Mrs. Jaya Pandey, Chief Guest and Mrs. Jharna Madan, Guest of honor, who graciously accepted to be a part of this spectacular event. Mrs. Shiamin Melville felicitated both our guests with plaques and bouquets of flowers. Mrs. Jaya Pandey, talked about her journey as a mother and ideas about what a village should be and why everyone should have a village. Mrs. Jharna Madan also spoke about the power of motherhood, women empowerment and what we can do for each other, including our future generations.

    The event then progressed into the fun segment that was planned by integral WEW team members Mrs. Kajal Kaushik Dixit and Mrs. Puja Harkut Rathi. They both took the stage as emcees of the event, giving our audience an overview of the second half of the segment, which included games, singing, dancing, and the most liked section i.e. our “ramp walk”, which was enjoyed by one and all! Everyone in our audience was a model for the evening and walked the ramp in their own unique style!!

    We also had singers from the Indian Beatles, Mrs. Neha Maheshwari Rathi and Mrs. Padma Shenoy, who took us back to the nostalgic era of the 90's with their melodious singing. Mrs. Ekta Jain, from Ekta Dance Academy along with her team set the stage on fire dancing to Yash Raj songs, while we could see the crowd cheering and dancing along!!

    Thank you to our sponsors Dr. Vinay Nikam from Ekdant Developers (NRI Bungalow Resort Project, Near Goa), and Mrs. Geena Virmani from Homes by Geena, for giving our winners absolutely gorgeous gifts. The group game winners received a gift hamper from Mrs. Geena Virmani, while the second & third raffle prize winners received some beautiful hand-woven sarees. The first winner from the raffle won a handloom stitched Paithani saree! Thank you to Dr. Nikam for bringing them all the way from India!

    Lastly, thank you to all our audience who attended the event and made it a grand success!!

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