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  • 12 Apr 2021 6:14 PM | Anonymous

    by Shubh Agrawal

    SAYAA (South Asian Youth Activists and Allies!) joined the April 10th IYG meeting to host a fun and interactive "Kahoot!" trivia game about the interconnected histories of South Asian and Black people and their pursuits for justice! IYG members also invited their parents to join in on the game which only made the experience so much more fun. Through this experience families had a chance to learn about the shared histories we have in advocating and fighting for racial justice. IYG and SAYAA look forward to collaborating soon on these important conversations and educating ourselves on how we can be better advocates for racial justice and stand in solidarity with our peers in this work!

    Try your hand below at some of our trivia questions to test your knowledge about our history!

    1. Race has no biological basis. True or False?

    2. What word was used to describe Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. when he was introduced to school children during his visit to India in 1959? a) Hero b) Black c) Freedom Fighter d) Untouchable

    3. Bhagat Singh Thind was involved in the monument court ruling in 1929 that: a) Gave South Asians the right to vote, b) allowed South Asians to serve in the military c) Ruled Indians ineligible for U.S. citizenship, d) Barred South Asians from land ownership


    1. True  2. 3. C

  • 29 Mar 2021 10:03 PM | Anonymous

    By Tanvi Gahlot, ISW Youth Reporter

    When entering high school, it’s as though a question of “what do you want to be when you grow up?” is engraved into your mind. Following this question, I decided to interview people in different professional fields. The first of these interviews was with Dr. Sudhir Agrawal, a renowned research scientist, and the founder and president of ARNAY Science LLC. He is also the co-founder of Idera Pharmaceuticals in Cambridge, MA. He has also mentored many people in the field of research. He has always had a passion for research, and drug discovery. Dr. Agrawal was awarded the Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, UK in 2015. He has over 400 patents world-wide, and out of those, 148 are issued in the US.

    Tanvi Gahlot: What would you say sparked an interest in science, for you?

    Dr. Sudhir Agrawal: Knowing the unknown! You can start asking those questions. As a researcher it’s always about curiosity, and then by starting to ask the right questions, you see results and data by researching it; and that has been my passion.

    Tanvi Gahlot: I noticed that you have an interest in nucleic acids therapeutics. Is there anything specific you like about it?

    Dr. Sudhir Agrawal: As you know, drugs are mostly small molecules or antibodies. Nucleic acids are genetic material in our own body. Biological learning progresses from the genes to DNA to RNA and then [finally] to the protein. About 30-35 years ago we started to think, “Can we use nucleic acids as drugs or target drugs to nucleic acid?” We created a platform called Antisense when two DNAs come together to form a duplex. A duplex can be made in the lab, which is a very short piece. This piece will go into the body and bind to only one target and shut its protein production. Although it sounds simple, it took many years to figure it out. There were many parts which we had to first figure out. We had to research what happens in cells, what happens in animals, and what happens in humans. Today there are about a dozen drugs based on this same platform that have been approved. However, the most exciting thing is that with this approach, one can design a drug for a genetic disorder within one year! Once you figure out basic science then you can apply it. This allows a number of patients who have a very rare genetic defect to be treated, since there is no drug for them. This platform can be used to create drugs only for single patients. This allows us to create precision medicine for each person.

    Tanvi Gahlot: What advice would you give high schoolers who are interested in having a future career in science, such as yourself?

    Dr. Sudhir Agrawal: Follow your passion! Science is a very broad subject. I was a chemist by training. I initially had a passion for chemistry, but as I went from my undergrad to masters degree, I got more interested in organic chemistry. However, when I went into research, I became a nucleic acid chemist and during my postdoctoral research I became a synthetic nucleic acid chemist. That has been my field of research since. But similarly, one could follow your passion in biology, molecular biology, or biochemistry. The field is very broad and it is really about finding and continuing to learn and to work with people who are doing research. When you work with them, you see people doing different types of research in the lab. That’s how you realize “Oh, I’m interested in this subject and not that subject.” Research is very broad. I have worked with people in the lab who had different passions. They enjoyed doing certain things and not others. They were open to learning. So, it is really finding what is your passion.

    Tanvi Gahlot: How important do you think it is for a student to have a mentor in whatever field they have selected?

    Dr. Sudhir Agrawal: Research is a subject where, as a high schooler, it's important to find summer internships in research labs. It is important to learn early on how research is done. Having a lab where there is a lab chief and different levels of people from juniors, graduates, masters to post doc. You get to learn how this research is done, who's doing what, how they plan their experiments, how they interpret the data, how they discuss the data with the team. Sometimes, at least in an academic environment, research is very focused on certain topics. Whereas in industry, research is a team play where everyone works for the same goal. The environment in academia and industry is different. It's good to find out which subjects you find exciting and then to really look for researchers in that space. Whether it is at a university or at a medical school or other places, approach them and share your interest with them. They will definitely give you a chance.

    Tanvi Gahlot: What would you say was the turning point of your career?

    Dr. Sudhir Agrawal: I believe that it is a step-by-step process. Initially, when we thought about this approach, we felt it is a good scientific theory to solve. Then when you start doing experiments, start publishing results and start talking about it in conferences, the goal is much bigger than you had initially embarked on. Your goal now is to share this information with others, to enlist them in the same mission, as they follow your work in their own labs. Slowly it becomes a much bigger mission. You started it but now there are many people doing it. It also takes a lot of time. For example, it took 25 years before we started to see the approval of drugs. Overall, it starts with small experiments which build up to the next level, and next level, and so on. That’s why each step of the process is like a turning point.

    Tanvi Gahlot: If you were hiring a recent college graduate what are some things you would look for?

    Dr. Sudhir Agrwal: A passion for science and an interest in research. Especially in the industry, we look for a team player who is open to learning and assisting. Transparency is especially important! For example, both positive and negative results are important when doing an experiment. Negative results tell us what not to do or what this means. Is it very important to have true data and its interpretation. Having that transparency and honesty is particularly important. Once you have done the experiment and it is published, there is no time to take it back. That’s why it should also be published in a way that whenever it is repeated by anyone - today, tomorrow, or 20 years later - the experiment yields the same data and result as the original. Research has the responsibility to be sure that what we are seeing in our experiments, is true. Repeating them in trials is also important to make sure that the experiment works, because then your data is driving someone else’s research and experiments. Other researchers will use your data and move the science forward. It is important that they trust that data. If you lose that trust, then you lose your credibility with your peers and that’s not good.

    Tanvi Gahlot: Right, so scientists build up on each other’s work so if the first step is wrong then it destroys the foundation. You started off as a scientist and always has passion for science then you moved up to higher roles. What are some similarities and differences between being a scientist and then moving onto the business side of drug research?

    Dr. Sudhir Agrawal: When you get to a point where you are seeing your science has application to creating drugs, then you need to create the infrastructure to do so. Discovering a drug is one part of it. The next step is to test it on animals, smaller animals, larger animals. You now need to hire more people, and this starts to add up and become expensive. Once you find everything is working the way it is supposed to, you can start testing in humans. That is a much bigger exercise. You need people with many different talents. All of them are scientists, but they come from different angles. They take the results from the animal testing and decide what it is going to take if you are to test it in human trials. This adds a much higher risk. To support this risk and expense you need to build the company and pitch to investors. You have to share the story with investors, tell them what we know and what we don't know, what are the risks and the benefits. This changes your role from a scientist to a leader that is bringing the team together.
  • 29 Mar 2021 9:56 PM | Anonymous

    स्नेह और विश्वास के रंग से
    रंग दो ये दुनियॉ सारी,
    अभिनंदन हम करें सभी का
    महकायें  केसर क्यारी
    मन से क्रोध, विकार मिटायें
    निर्मल हो यह सृष्टी सारी,
    उत्साह प्रेम का रंग बरसे
    और भीग जाये हर नर नारी।
    अपनेपन का गुलाल मलें
    मोहक लगे मुख की छवि प्यारी,
    पावन पर्व ये रंगोत्सव का
    सबको हो मंगलकारी
    प्रेम भाईचारे के पर्व होली की रंगारंग बधाई और शुभकामनायें


    O God I pray,
    May the colors of love and faith

    Fill this world
    May everyone be greeted
    With the essence of saffron

    Let us remove anger and ill will from our mind
    Let the universe be serene
    May the fervent color of love rain down
    And drench men and women everywhere

    By rubbing color (gulal)
    Makes the face more enticing
    This holy festival of color
    Makes everyone happy

    Colorful greetings and good wishes of love and brotherhood on this auspicious Holi festival

    Asha Singh, Teacher, ISW Cultural and Language School

  • 29 Mar 2021 9:50 PM | Anonymous

    By Smrithi Krishnaswamy, ISW Youth Reporter

    Holi has been celebrated in India for centuries, with poems and scriptures describing the festivities dating all the way back to 4th century CE. These age-old traditions are still celebrated around the world today. This year, Holi begins on March 28. The date changes every year, but it is always celebrated in March, because the Holiday corresponds to the 12th month of the Hindu calendar year.

    There are varying stories explaining Holi’s origin, mentioned in several works of ancient Indian literature. According to one popular version of the story, an evil king, named Hiranyakashyap, became so powerful that he forced his subjects to worship him as their god. However, the king’s son Prahlada continued to be a devotee of the Hindu deity Lord Vishnu. The angry king plotted with his sister, Holika, to kill his son. Holika, who was immune to fire, tricked Prahlada to sit in a pyre (fire pit) with her. When the pyre was lit, the boy’s devotion to Lord Vishnu allowed him to survive while Holika, who the festival is named after, was burned to death despite her immunity.

    The symbolism of the story and holiday is the triumph of good over evil, but the holiday means different things to different people. I spoke to a few family and friends to find out what Holi meant to them. According to one family, they regard Holi as a day to express their gratitude and love for one another and their good fortune. Another friend explained that it is also a celebration of spring, and the life that blooms with the change of seasons.

    The celebrations of the festival in India share similarities and differences to how it is celebrated here in the US. Here, families are limited to only celebrating in their homes with friends, but in India strangers and family alike celebrate by throwing packets of color powder (called gulal) at one another. Many families go to the temple and have a bonfire the day before Holi. On Holi, people generally wear white clothes but go home covered in all the colors of the rainbow. One tradition that does not change is the delicious food. Everyone eats a delicious meal with lots of sweets for dessert, regardless of living in India or not.

    Holi is a colorful celebration around the world and is quickly becoming a well-known holiday. It is wonderful to see centuries old traditions continue to live on. Holi is a celebration with an important message, and it was wonderful for me, someone who does not celebrate Holi, to learn more about this beautiful holiday. I hope you learned a little bit from this exploration too. Thank you for reading.

    Image credit: holi-mythology-min.jpg

    Photo credit: John Thomas on Unsplash
  • 29 Mar 2021 9:40 PM | Anonymous

    by Yash Chauhan, Freshman at Northeastern University, Boston

    Whether it be debating between taking the SAT or ACT or attempting to figure out the so called “formula” that admission’s departments use, the American college admissions process is already an overly complicated task. However, it is made far more difficult and strenuous when there is a lack of open communication between parent and student. This is especially true for individuals with parents who were brought up in India and, as such, are not as familiar with the American application process. In such a situation, the student should realize that when their parents ask them questions about certain aspects of the application, it isn’t due to them attempting to criticize the student or micromanage them, but usually just because they are genuinely curious about the process. Conversely, parents too should understand that this is a process that is primarily incumbent on the student. Although parents should always provide guidance and encouragement, they should never just take over. The skills that students develop during the application process will serve them well in the future, but only if parents let go a little and allow them to go through this experience. Even though parents should not take over, keeping an open dialogue throughout the process such as discussing what the family can afford, allows for students and parents to get the most out of the process while mitigating future conflicts. Finally, it is important to keep in mind that what matters more than where you go to college is what you do during your time there; so aim high, but remember that wherever you end up going, you still have the opportunity to accomplish great things.

  • 16 Mar 2021 1:01 PM | Anonymous

    by Neeta and Sandeep Shah   Rendition of Ode

    क्या बात बने, जो हम सब मिल जाए

    लहरें रुके और पत्थर हिल जाए

    कुछ साल पहले जो था एक छोटा सा ख़याल

    … आज सबके पसीने से बन गया बेमिसाल

    Kya baat bane, jo hum sab mil jaye

    lehare ruke aur patthar heel jaye

    kuchh saal pehale jo tha ek chhota sa khayal

    ... aaj sabke paseene se ban gaya bemisal

    हमने भी देखा था एक छोटा सा सपना

    यहाँ वुस्टर में बन जाए एक घर अपना

    जहाँ हो हर हफ़्ते दिवाली हर इतवार को रंगोली

    आके सब पंजाबी, सिंधी, गुजराती, मराठी, द्रविडी ... मिलके खेले होली

    Hum ne bhi dekha tha ek chhota sa sapana

    yahan Worcester mein ban jaye ek ghar apna

    Jahaan ho har hafte Diwali, har itwar ko Rangoli

    Aake sab punjabi, sindhi, gujarati, marathi, dravidi ... milke khele holi

    बच्चे आके सीखे बुज़ुर्गों से रामायण और महाभारत

    और सीता, मीरा, झाँसी जैसी भारत की महान औरत

    यहाँ अमेरिका के हम रहेंगे भारतीय BROTHER और SI-स्टर

    जय हो जय हो जय हो INDIA सॉसायटी ओफ़ वुस्टर

    Bacche aake sikhe bujourgon se Ramayan aur Mahabharat

    Aur Sita, Meera, Jhansi jaisi Bharat ki Mahan Aurat

    Yahan America ke hum ranhenge Bharatiya Bother aur Sister

    Jay ho Jay ho Jay ho India Society of Worcester.

    An English Translation

    Isn't it great that when we join hands,

    we can freeze the ocean waves and move mountains?

    What a few years ago was a small idea

    ... with all our efforts has turned into unmatched reality today

    We had a modest dream - to make our cozy home in Worcester.

    Where we could celebrate Diwali when we wish, paint Rangoli (colorful art) at will.

    And fellow Indians – from Punjab, Sindh, Gujarat, Maratha, Dravid (as in our national anthem)

    Could come together and play Holi (festival of colors)

    Our kids will come to learn from their elders, of the meaning of Ramayan & Mahabharat.

    And also, about Sita, Meera(bai), Jhansi, and other great and powerful women of India

    In the US we are bonded as India’s Brothers & Sisters

    ... Jai Ho Jai Ho Jai Ho (Long live) India Society of Worcester

  • 16 Mar 2021 12:47 PM | Anonymous

    ISW Events Proposed Dates

    Shiv Ratri - Actual date - 3/11/21 Saturday, March 20, 2021
    Collegeconnect/Let's talk! Keeping the lines of communications open Saturday, March 20, 2021
    Collegeconnect/College Essays Saturday, April 17, 2021
    ISW Art Competition Saturday, April 24, 2021
    Ram Navami - Actual date - 4/21/21 –  Sunday, April 25, 2021
    Kahoot game/South Asian solidarity/ Black civil rights movement Saturday April 10, 2021
    WEW Intelectual Multitasking: Connecting Passion to Profession  Thursday May 06, 2021
    Antakshari Prelim - Day 1 Saturday, May 8, 2021
    Antakshari Prelim - Day 2 Sunday, May 9, 2021
    Antakshari - Final Saturday, May 22, 2021
    Collegeconnect/College Financial Planning Saturday, May 22, 2021 11 am
    Graduation Satsang Saturday, June 20, 2021
    Collegeconnect/Standardized Testing Saturday, June 12, 2021
    No Fire Challenge (Culinary Art)  
    Collegeconnect/College process HS July TBD
    India Day Aug 6,7,8
    Collegeconnect/Negotiation Aug TBD
    WEW Summer Reflections: Travel, Reading, Gardening and Wellness  Thursday, August 19, 2021
    Janmashtami - Actual date - 8/30/21 –  Sunday, August 29, 2021
    Ganesha Idol Workshop (2 days) Saturday, August 28, 2021
    Ganesha Idol Workshop (2 days) Sunday, August 29, 2021
    Ganesh Utsav Sun, Sept 12
    Navratri Oct 8
    Navratri Oct 9
    Diwali – Actual date - 11/4/21 -  Saturday, November 6, 2021
    Worcester Art Museum Sunday, November 7, 2021
    Diwali Saturday, November 13, 2021
    Tower Hill Diwali Event Saturday, November 20, 2021
    Christmas Saturday, December 11, 2021

  • 16 Mar 2021 12:43 PM | Anonymous

    by Tharegha Manoharan

    On March 6th, Mrs. Usha Verma, Mr. Sathvik Sethi, Dr. Kamolika Roy, and Dr. Uma Chandrika Millner, mental health professionals and community advocates, joined Ms. Shubh Agrawal and Ms. Achint Singh in a conversation about mental health in South Asian communities.

    In many South Asian families, there is a common preconception that mental health is “not a problem” or their children were “just seeking attention”.  Despite the diversity of Indian cultures, the close-knit Indian community that is based on long lasting relationships places significant importance on societal opinions and undue emphasis on societal acceptance. As a result, when children approach their parents needing help, some parents feel fearful and are ashamed about what society might have to say. This idea of collectivism — or the practice of giving priority to a group over an individual forms the basis of stereotypes.

    Many families have moved to America in search of a brighter, better future for their children and next generations. Most have worked hard and sacrificed a lot to build a better life. So, when a child tells a parent about problems they are facing, some parents feel guilty about being inadequate providers. They wonder why their child is suffering despite what they have.

    Although there might be many reasons as to why one might go through stress, depression or anxiety, the pressure to succeed is much higher among the South Asian community. Because our parents may have worked really hard to get to where they are today, youngsters feel stressed about living up to those high standards. While the stereotype of South Asian students might be as “nerds'' or high achievers, that becomes a problem when society always expects you to fit that role.

    One important thing that everyone must not fail to understand is that you don’t need to be the best to be successful. You can have many flaws as we are human beings after all. But how you overcome your fears, how you treat friends and family will really determine what kind of person you are.

    In addition, there is a danger that people brought up in this culture think that “I need to tolerate suffering” or “I can’t change my circumstances” or “Someone else is having it worse, so I shouldn’t get help.” These are all dangerous mindsets.

    Unfortunately, there is also talk of invalidation when we seek help. In India, mental health might automatically mean going “crazy”. This might also be a reason for why South Asian parents might not be comfortable talking about these things. They might feel shame or guilt for their child’s thoughts. They might even tell their child that their feeling is “wrong”.

    Since mental health is not widely discussed in India, there is a good chance that parents genuinely do not know what to do in such situations. Seminars, like this one, are important as they encourage conversation within families. Normalizing talk about mental health should make people feel comfortable talking about it.

    Coming from India, we also sometimes fail to acknowledge that our culture, our religion, and our spirituality provides several solutions. The best therapy may be culturally congruent. By talking to people in our culture and religion may help in positive ways and lessen the likelihood of dropping out. Most importantly, by not addressing the issue, things could worsen and impact other aspects of your life. 

    As a community, we need to normalize situations and conversations around mental health. If we have a problem with our body, we find a doctor to help us out. We should treat mental health the same as finding a doctor if we have a problem with our thoughts and feelings. One must teach that there are no reasons or situations not to ask for help. The point of family and friends is to provide support for each other through tough times. If we are afraid of talking to our own family, then that defeats the purpose.

    You can click here to read a poem about this issue, Happy and Kind, by the author. 

  • 16 Mar 2021 12:20 PM | Anonymous

    by Tharegha Manoharan

    Good mental health,
    Is equal to having immense wealth,
    Because the happier we are,
    The more we can shine like a star.

    Happiness is not measured
    In the number of treasures,
    But the simple, full, feeling of satisfaction,
    After achieving a difficult action.

    Mental health should be treated,
    Just like physical, when it’s needed.
    There should be no excuse
    For anyone to recluse.

    The more we can help each other,
    The more we can understand one another.
    It’s important to reassure,
    And make sure everyone feels secure.

    In the South Asian community,
    There is a lot of opportunity.
    Everyone has come to the United States,
    Dreaming of the experience that awaits.

    No doubt that every, single person
    Has worked very hard,
    Praying their situation wouldn’t worsen
    When giving their future generation a wild card.

    Since mental health education,
    Is not widely talked about in the Indian population,
    The developed generation,
    Needs to learn to grow communications,
    And provide a foundation for unprepared situations.

    As there are many expectations,
    There should be an equal level of motivation.
    Giving less importance to reputation,
    And a freedom for imagination.

    Mental health needs to be,
    Talked about; in order to foresee,
    The possible hindrance,
    That might block off your brilliance.

    Conversations should become common in families,
    So that everyone can live their life without any negative mentalities.
    Normalizing these conversations,
    Will strengthen relations,
    And bring happier generations.

    As humans, we might
    Fight for survival of the fittest.
    And though this might seem right,
    Happiness itself is the treasure, and it is the richest.

    Asking for help is not weak,
    Because it will make you stronger and unique.
    Family will always support you,
    Even if they seem rough from the other view.
    After all, that’s what family is for,
    To lead, guide, and more.

    Our measure of success
    Should be measured
    By our happiness and kindness.
    Not in our company’s progress
    Or wealth in excess.

    Anything can be discussed,
    With the caring people around us.
    Problems should not be faced alone,
    Because people unknown
    Will often come running
    To help you become amazing.

    Society is built on expectations,
    But we should know our limitations,
    And not try to fulfill others’ aspirations.
    Although there may be fluctuations
    In your determinations,
    A good society will always aid.
    And no matter how afraid,
    Don’t feel outweighed,
    That's why family and friends stayed.

    Don’t let the pressure
    Get hold of your pleasure.
    If you need to talk,
    Those who were with you since you first walked,
    Will back you up,
    They’ll help you strive, they'll hold you up.

    So don’t worry,
    Or run in a hurry,
    Take time to enjoy the view,
    If it’s truly what you want to pursue.

    Don’t stress,
    You can still achieve success,
    As long as you are happy and kind,
    You are perfect, defined.

  • 16 Mar 2021 12:13 PM | Anonymous

    By Diya Sadhu

    Has life ever existed on Mars? That is the question asked by a host of scientists, particularly a team of them working on the Perseverance mission. This new initiative, established by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), is meant to explore the possibility that there was, or still is, life on Mars. It is particularly fortunate that technology has advanced to the point where cosmic robotic exploration can help scientists test this thesis on Mars, the closest planet with a substantial chance of life. 

    NASA’s Perseverance Rover accomplished its first drive on the surface of Mars on February 18, 2021. The world watched as it explored the Martian landscape- more specifically Jezero Crater. While this crater is one of hundreds on Mars, what sets it apart is that scientists believe it to have once held a body of water. The inflow and outflow channel surrounding the crater serve as evidence that the lake was once there- and that it was once filled to the top with water. Katy Morgan, the Deputy Project Scientist for this mission, claims that Jezero Crater contains “one of the most beautifully preserved delta deposits on Mars”. Not to mention it creates the ideal living conditions for a diverse set of microorganisms to survive. A combination of these factors made Jezero Crater the ideal landing site for this mission. 

    The NASA team worked tirelessly to improve their model in order to complete this important  mission. They updated Perseverance to accommodate new scientific goals such as  a new microphone feature. The microphone will add another of the human senses, of hearing, on another planet. Another updated feature of Perseverance, is its new-found movement.  Unlike its previous model, Curiosity, Perseverance can self-drive for up to 200 meters per day while simultaneously creating a map of the ground as the wheels drive over it. The crown jewel of these improvements, however, remains the drills. The chief engineer of the mission, Adam Steltzner, explains that these drills will collect samples of Mars, and use them as a target for their next mission. This way they hope to get the samples back to Earth by 2031- a gateway Steltzner claims could help scientists “unlock the secrets of Mars”. The rover will also be carrying a helicopter named Ingenuity for which this will be its first test flight. 

    This event breaks two records as it would be the first time mankind has flown an aeronautic machine on another planet as well as bringing back to Earth the only rock sample from Mars. Even though the rover has only completed a fraction of its entire mission, the team at NASA already considers it a massive milestone in humanity’s journey to explore Mars.

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